Friday, December 18, 2009

Maal Hijrah 1431

The Islamic New Year is a cultural event which Muslims observe on the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. Many Muslims use the day to remember the significance of this month, and the Hijra, or migration, Islamic prophet Muhammad made it to the city now known as Medina. Recently, in many areas of Muslim population, people have begun exchanging cards and gifts on this day, though this is not commonly done. I wish all the best Maal Hijrah 1431 to my all Muslim friends.

1 comment:

  1. HIJRAh = pERUbahan yang membawa ke arah kebaikan..
    lebih bersifat inisiatif, berdaya saing serta sntiasa menzahirkan ciri-ciri KEMAJUAN dalam kehidupan demi mengejar keredhaan di akhirat... Moga perniagaan terus MAJU dengan sokongan ISTERI, anak -anak dan seluruh keluarga..
